He professed a distaste for everything related to money. 他声称厌恶与金钱有关的一切。
Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance. 糟糕的学习成绩与情绪失常有关。
Nor do their debts looks so horrendous when related to the value of their fixed assets. 如果和他们的固定资产值相比,他们的债务看起来也并不算惊人。
They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating. 他们说这些指控与另一件欺诈案有关。
One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context 人们也能看出具体行为是如何与时空相关联的。
Unemployment benefits are directly related to previous earnings. 失业救济金的额度与以前的收入有直接关系。
Much of the violence is related to drugs and gang warfare 大多数暴力事件都与吸毒和群殴有关。
Yet political news was often related to economic and social problems. 而政治方面的新闻往往要涉及经济问题和社会问题。
Light industry is closely related to agriculture. 轻工业和农业密切相关。
Yet hardly any money has been spent on understanding the human motivation related to mealtime insulin and the reasons for this failure. 然而几乎没有任何美元被用来研究和进餐时间胰岛素服用有关的人类激励及其失败的原因。
There is a possibility that alkalinity of ash is related to fiber fineness. 灰分的碱度可能与纤维的细度有关。
Chromite and/ or magnesite mineralization is usually related to the ophiolite. 铬铁矿及(或)菱镁矿化通常是与蛇绿岩有关。
A wide range of compounds related to adenine have been synthesized and tested in a number of bioassays. 人工合成了许多和腺嘌呤有关的化合物,并用几种生物鉴定法试验过。
No matter how we define him, he cannot in anyway be related to as a labor people. 讲来讲去就是和劳动人民四个字沾不到边。
The lawsuits related to customs and foreign trade are more complicated than other administrative suits. 海关案件和外贸案件远比一般的经济行政案件复杂。
A person's work style is related to his ideology. 人的作风和思想是有连带关系的。
May I ask how this question is related to the position I am applying for? 我可不可以问一下这个问题和我申请的工作有什么关系吗?
You can use this to group these items that are related to the plug-in's guidance. 你可以使用这个为这些与插件指导相关的条目进行分组。
Also, I maintain a site on issues related to regular expressions. 另外,我维护了一个站点,其中包含一些与正则表达式相关的问题。
You can also choose to import and work with live data related to alerts and KPIs. 您还可以选择导入并使用与警报和KPI相关的实时数据。
This is related to reuse and the ability to provide new functionality based on existing functionality. 这涉及到重用和在现有功能基础上提供新功能的能力。
Later, it moves to topics related to the overall design of stylesheets and their performance. 随后,介绍了与样式表整体设计和性能有关的主题。
For example, variable data for use by compensation and recovery or data related to the activities. 例如,补偿和恢复使用的变量数据或与活动相关的数据。
This specifies that you want to include only fields related to customer behavior and their use of distribution channels. 这会指定您想包括的只涉及客户行为和他们的分销渠道的字段。
The first area of interest between quality assurance and IT security is related to access control. 质量保证和IT安全性之间的第一个关注领域与访问控制有关。
Terms and conditions can be managed and related to both products and relationships among products. 条款和条件可以被管理并关联到产品和产品之间的关系。
Related to both the choice and receive activities is the receive choice activity. 与选择和接收活动都相关的活动是接收选择活动。
It includes the activities, tasks, and guidance related to opportunity management. 它包含与机会管理相关的活动、任务和指导。
Some of the most interesting and active fields related to text analysis are scientific research and sentiment detection. 与文本分析相关的最有趣、最活跃的领域是科学研究和情感探测。
From this file, you can determine the compilation errors that are related to a particular test case. 从这个文件中,您可以决定与特定测试用例相关的汇编性错误。